We strongly believe that giving back and supporting our communities is an important responsibility. Our community support and giving activities are focused on Forest Education, Childhood Education and Enrichment Opportunities for Kids, Community Health, and Community Improvement. Through our philanthropic program, we support a large variety of organizations and causes including: SPCA’s Paws for the Cause, The Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, the MS Bike Ride, Ride, Scouts Canada, the Girl Guides, the KBRH Foundation, Beaver Valley Age Friendly Society, The Fruitvale Elementary School, Take-A-Hike Foundation, and many other worthy programs.
Forestry Education
ATCO Wood Products regularly hosts groups of students from the Selkirk College Forestry program.
An assortment of Selkirk summer students is welcomed each year. The program has enjoyed outstanding results. It’s been so successful that over the certain time period of several years, full-time employment had been offered to all participating students.
Younger students are also frequent guests of ATCO Wood Products, with various tours.
““An Animals of the Forest presentation is a consistently popular offering for children. They love it as they get to touch animals’ skeletons. We do that to show why it’s important to keep the forest healthy because all of these animals live in it.”
Weatherford has also taken the show on the road, travelling to schools with the forestry education program. It’s meant to be informative, and fun, for the kids and for her, too.
Mill tours go over equally big with young students, with every aspect of the experience, especially the wearing of vests and hats, gaining a thumbs-up. The young ones may get assorted souvenirs to take home, along with a new found knowledge and respect for the forest, its related industry and all it entails.
EARTH DAY 2022 with Glenmerry Elementary School Students
On Earth Day 2022, Atco Wood Products was happy to invite two classes from Glenmerry Elementary School to plant Douglas-fir tree seedlings in their local community of Trail, BC.
To start the day, students were shown a number of different forest products that are manufactured from wood. Students were shown how trees can be turned into various forest products that we regularly see and use in our day-to-day lives. They were asked a number of questions to test their knowledge of their local forests, and some of their answers were impressive for such a young audience. Another topic of discussion included how the forest industry maintains the local economy and job security, and how trees are a renewable resource that can be grown and harvested in perpetuity.
After our discussion about the forest industry in general, students were split into groups and instructed by Atco staff in how to properly plant a tree seedling. With shovels in hand, they hit the ground with enthusiasm and a strong work ethic.
A few of the students were so enthusiastic that they stated "I want to do this for a job when I'm older." It's very encouraging to see so many young people taking an interest in their local forest and wanting to be involved with their local forest industry.
Atco is always happy to provide support and encouragement to the younger generation of upcoming forestry workers, and young forest professionals. It is important to communicate the benefits and satisfaction that results from working with a renewable resource that is instrumental to our economic, social, and cultural well-being of our communities.
Keep up the good work kids! We're proud of you!